
Emacs version of dmenu
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emenu.el (2674B)

      1 ;;; emenu.el --- An emacs dmenu clone -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
      3 ;; Copyright © 2023 Erik Oosting
      5 ;; Author: Erik Oosting <crazazy@tilde.cafe>
      6 ;; Keywords: application-launcher, misc
      7 ;; URL: https://crazazy.tilde.cafe/emenu.git/log.html
      9 ;;; License:
     10 ;; This file comes with the MIT license, and without any warranty whatsoever
     11 ;; You can do with this stuff whatever you want to, but just remember
     12 ;; to put me in the footnote :D. Would be nice at least
     14 ;;; Commentary:
     15 ;; This is basically what dmenu does, but then in emacs. There is a function 'all-commands'
     16 ;; that gets you all the commands that are on your system. If you instead want to use emenu
     17 ;; on a different list of strings, you can just pass that list to emenu itself and it will
     18 ;; let you select something yourself
     20 ;;; Code:
     21 (require 'cl-seq)
     22 (require 'ido)
     24 ;;;###autoload
     25 (defun emenu--all-commands ()
     26   "returns a list of all the programs accessible to you in $PATH"
     27   ;; This ls-output part was mostly created by phundrak because he found my shell-piping implementation
     28   ;; inelegant. If something has to change about this chances are this is going to return to shell
     29   ;; scripting again
     30   (let ((ls-output (mapcan (lambda (path)
     31                              (when (file-readable-p path)
     32                                (cl-remove-if (lambda (file)
     33                                                (let ((fullpath (concat path "/" file)))
     34                                                  (or (file-directory-p fullpath)
     35                                                      (not (file-executable-p fullpath)))))
     36                                              (directory-files path nil directory-files-no-dot-files-regexp nil))))
     37                            (split-string (getenv "PATH") ":" t)))
     38         (alias-output (split-string (shell-command-to-string "alias -p | sed -E 's/^alias ([^=]*)=.*$/\\1/'") "\n")))
     39     (append ls-output alias-output)))
     41 ;;;###autoload
     42 (defun emenu (action &optional command-list)
     43   "A dmenu-inspired application launcher using a separate emacs frame"
     44   (interactive (list (lambda (command) (call-process command nil 0))))
     45   (with-selected-frame (make-frame '((name . "emenu")
     46                                      (minibuffer . only)
     47                                      (width . 151)
     48                                      (height . 1)))
     49     (unwind-protect
     50         (progn
     51           (funcall action
     52                    (ido-completing-read
     53                     "Command: " (or
     54                                  command-list
     55                                  (emenu--all-commands))))
     56           (keyboard-quit))
     57       (delete-frame))))
     59 (provide 'emenu)
     60 ;;; emenu.el ends here