
Literate config. See <a href="../"></a> for a better-formatted version
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      1 #+TITLE:Nixos Config
      2 #+AUTHOR: Crazazy
      3 #+INCLUDE: ./
      4 For now this is the way I'm configuring nixos. There is no flakes here, just a configuration.nix and a bunch of other
      5 stuff
      6 * Prefix
      7   The nixos config is going to consist of a bunch of "imports" which are just a bunch of configs
      8   in the imports part of the main configuration. Then we can put each part of said config on its own source block
      9   This does require a bit of a prefix, that lets us access packages, existing configuration and library functions
     10   #+begin_src nix :tangle configuration.nix :noweb no-export :padline no
     11     { config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
     12     let
     13       sources = import ./nix/sources.nix;
     14       nur = import sources.NUR { inherit pkgs; };
     15       nurModules = import sources.NUR { };
     16     in
     17     {
     18       imports = [
     19         <<nixos-config>>
     20       ];
     21     }
     22   #+end_src
     23 * Configuration
     24 :PROPERTIES:
     25 :header-args: :tangle no :noweb-ref nixos-config
     26 :END:
     28 ** Hardware
     29    Normal nixos installation comes with a hardware-configuration file. we are not going to add the contents of that
     30    file here ourself, but instead add it as an external module. This is the only place where we'll do this
     31    #+begin_src nix
     32      ./hardware-configuration.nix
     33    #+end_src
     34    Also i want to have a full bluetooth experience
     35    #+begin_src nix
     36      {
     37        hardware.bluetooth = {
     38          enable = true;
     39          package = pkgs.bluez;
     40        };
     41      }
     42    #+end_src
     43 ** personal stuff
     44    First, some personal stuff, so that I can tel people my computer is mine
     45    #+begin_src nix
     46      {
     47        options.mainUser = with lib; mkOption {
     48          type = types.str;
     49          default = builtins.getEnv "USER";
     50        };
     51      }
     52    #+end_src
     54    and then the actual info:
     55    #+begin_src nix
     56      {
     57        mainUser = "erik";
     58        networking.hostName = "RACEMONSTER";
     59        time.timeZone = "Europe/Amsterdam";
     60      }
     61    #+end_src
     62 ** Main user config
     63    This sets up a (secret) default password for the main user and also sets some default groups
     64    #+begin_src nix
     65      {
     66        users.mutableUsers = false;
     67        # Define a user account. Don't forget to set a password with ‘passwd’.
     68        users.users.${config.mainUser} = {
     69          initialHashedPassword = "$6$XTH/sALyqg$G.bMWemErh4KGCAjUfT16DL96QMn/4NTmxlw6Z26wUVJn.tagQG.Fzmrz7uPkdiWZbBBFWP36.YA4hw9AcL8Q1";
     70          isNormalUser = true;
     71          extraGroups = [ "video" "wheel" "NetworkManager" ]; # Enable ‘sudo’ for the user.
     72          # shell = pkgs.nushell;
     73        };
     74      }
     75    #+end_src
     76    Furthermore, I want to have some prefabs available in my $PATH if I make them
     77    #+begin_src nix
     78      {
     79        environment.shellInit =
     80          ''
     81           if [ -h /etc/nixos/nix-prefabs/result ]; then
     82            export PATH=$PATH:/etc/nixos/nix-prefabs/result/bin
     83           fi
     84          '';
     85      }
     86    #+end_src
     87 ** Init system
     88    nixos is started with systemd-boot, since we don't run any other distros
     89    #+begin_src nix
     90      {
     91        boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable = true;
     92        boot.loader.efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true;
     93      }
     94    #+end_src
     95 ** nixpkgs setup
     96    not much info here right now. emacs itself now refers to emacsng
     97    #+begin_src nix
     98      {
     99        # nix.package = pkgs.nixVersions.stable;
    100        programs.nix-ld = {
    101          enable = true;
    102          # use all the libraries that AppImage uses to load an image
    103          libraries = with pkgs; [fuse] ++ (with appimageTools.defaultFhsEnvArgs; multiPkgs pkgs ++ targetPkgs pkgs);
    104        };
    105        nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;
    106        nixpkgs.overlays = [
    107          (final: prev: {
    108            emacs = (import sources.emacs-ng).outputs.packages."x86_64-linux".default;
    109            emacsWithPackages = final.emacs.pkgs.withPackages;
    110            inherit (nur.repos) instantos;
    111          })
    112        ];
    113      }
    114    #+end_src
    116 *** Lix
    117     I've decided to get the new [[][Lix]] package manager, because I think their different
    118     ideas for progressing the package manager fit with my personal views
    119     #+begin_src nix
    120       (import
    121         (
    122           (fetchTarball { url = ""; }) + "/module.nix"
    123         )
    124         {
    125           lix = fetchTarball { url = ""; };
    126         }
    127       )
    128     #+end_src
    129 *** cachix
    130     Cachix and other substitute servers allow you to not have to compile things as much as you are supposed to
    131     We will create a small module for cachix before we put in the rest declaratively
    132     #+begin_src nix
    133       {
    134         options.nix.cacheAttrs = with lib; mkOption {
    135           type = with types; attrsOf str;
    136           default = {};
    138         };
    139         config = with lib; {
    140           nix.settings.substituters = builtins.attrNames config.nix.cacheAttrs;
    141           nix.settings.trusted-public-keys = builtins.attrValues config.nix.cacheAttrs;
    142         };
    143       }
    144     #+end_src
    145     With the config in hand, we can now quickly and easily declare our substitute servers
    146     #+begin_src nix
    147       {
    148         nix.cacheAttrs = {
    149           "" = "";
    150           "" = "";
    151           # "" = "";
    152           "" = "";
    153           # "" = "";
    154           "" = ""
    155           # "" = "";
    156           # "" = "";
    157         };
    158       }
    159     #+end_src
    160 ** udev binds
    161    I have a bindmount system so that I can easily make binds to persistent directories from my home directory
    162    This should prevent clutter
    163 *** The config
    164     This part is quite advanced. It makes entries for filesystems and then makes a systemd service to re-assign
    165     generated temporary directories to the owner of the home folder
    166     #+begin_src nix
    167       {
    168         options = with lib; {
    169           homeBinds = mkOption {
    170             type = with types; listOf str;
    171             default = [ ];
    172             description = "Bind mounts in your home folder";
    173           };
    174           persistRoot = mkOption {
    175             type = types.str;
    176             default = "/nix/persist";
    177           };
    178         };
    179         config = with lib; mkIf (config.homeBinds != [ ]) {
    180           fileSystems = genAttrs (map (loc: "/home/${config.mainUser}/${loc}") config.homeBinds)
    181             (loc: {
    182                     device = "${config.persistRoot}${loc}";
    183                     fsType = "none";
    184                     options = [ "bind" ];
    185             });
    186  = {
    187             wantedBy = [ "" ];
    188             after = map (loc: "${builtins.replaceStrings ["/"] ["-"] loc}.mount") config.homeBinds;
    189             serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot";
    190             script = "chown -R ${config.mainUser} /home/${config.mainUser}";
    191           };
    192         };
    193       }
    194     #+end_src
    195 *** The binds
    196     These are the binds themselves, they change frequently
    197     #+begin_src nix
    198       {
    199         homeBinds = [
    200           ".config/keybase"
    201           ".local/share/keybase"
    202           ".ssh"
    203           "Desktop"
    204           "Documents/uni-docs"
    205           "Documents/IdeaProjects"
    206           "Documents/java-jars"
    207           "Documents/notes"
    208           "Music"
    209           "Videos"
    210         ];
    211       }
    212     #+end_src
    213 ** Visual stuff (X11)                                              :noexport:
    214    I don't acutally literally live in the terminal. So we have to implement some xorg and other stuff
    215 *** Basics
    216     Enable printing, sound and a good keyboard, along with x11 itself
    217     #+begin_src nix :noweb-ref no
    218       {
    219         # Enable CUPS to print documents.
    220         services.printing.enable = true;
    222         # Enable sound.
    223         sound.enable = true;
    224         hardware.pulseaudio.enable = true;
    226         # Enable the X11 windowing system.
    227         services.xserver.enable = true;
    228         services.xserver.layout = "us";
    229         services.xserver.xkbVariant = "altgr-intl";
    230         services.xserver.xkbOptions = "eurosign:e";
    231         # touchpad controls
    232         services.xserver.libinput.enable = true;
    233       }
    234     #+end_src
    235 *** instantos
    236     I have decided to be lazy and not install a fancy window manager or whatever into the system. Thats headache
    237     #+begin_src nix :noweb-ref no
    238       {
    239         environment.systemPackages = with pkgs.instantos; [
    240           imenu
    241           islide
    242           instantassist
    243           instantconf
    244           instantdata
    245           instantdotfiles
    246           instantlogo
    247           instantmenu
    248           instantnotify
    249           instantsettings
    250           instantshell
    251           instantthemes
    252           instantutils
    253           instantwallpaper
    254           instantwelcome
    255           instantwidgets
    256           instantwm
    257           instantst
    258           paperbash
    259           rangerplugins
    260           spotify-adblock
    261           pkgs.dash
    262           pkgs.xdg-user-dirs
    263           pkgs.papirus-icon-theme
    264           pkgs.arc-theme
    265           pkgs.xorg.xeyes
    266           pkgs.rofi
    267           pkgs.ranger
    268         ];
    269         services.xserver.displayManager.lightdm.enable = true;
    270         services.xserver.windowManager.session = lib.singleton
    271           { name = "instantwm";
    272             start = ''
    273                               startinstantos &
    274                               waitPID=$!
    275                             '';
    276           };
    277       }
    278     #+end_src
    279 ** Visual stuff (wayland)
    280    After all, why /shouldn't/ I try wayland? 😈
    281    #+begin_src nix
    282      {
    283        programs.wayfire.enable = true;
    284        programs.wayfire.plugins = with pkgs.wayfirePlugins; [
    285          wcm
    286          wf-shell
    287          wayfire-plugins-extra
    288        ];
    289        sound.enable = true;
    290        fonts.packages = with pkgs; [
    291          noto-fonts
    292          noto-fonts-cjk
    293          noto-fonts-emoji
    294          liberation_ttf
    295          fira-code
    296          fira-code-symbols
    297          mplus-outline-fonts.githubRelease
    298          dina-font
    299          proggyfonts
    300        ];
    301        environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
    302          wofi waypipe
    303        ];
    304      }
    305    #+end_src
    306 ** Networking
    307    Some default network settings for my laptop
    308    #+begin_src nix
    309      {
    310        networking.networkmanager.enable = true; # Enables wireless support via NetworkManager
    311      }
    312    #+end_src
    313 ** packages
    314 *** Core packages
    315     These are the normal packages that I use for core maintenance. I use a special hardened version of firefox that takes in some addons as well
    316     [[][Hardened firefox source]]
    317     #+begin_src nix
    318       {
    319         environment.systemPackages = let
    320           myFirefox = with pkgs; wrapFirefox librewolf-unwrapped {
    321             nixExtensions = builtins.filter lib.isDerivation (builtins.attrValues nur.repos.crazazy.firefox-addons);
    322             libName = "librewolf";
    323             extraPolicies = {
    324               CaptivePortal = false;
    325               DisableFirefoxStudies = true;
    326               DisablePocket = true;
    327               DisableTelemetry = true;
    328               DisableFirefoxAccounts = true;
    329               DontCheckDefaultBrowser = true;
    330               FirefoxHome = {
    331                 Pocket = false;
    332                 Snippets = false;
    333               };
    334               UserMessaging = {
    335                 ExtensionRecommendations = false;
    336                 SkipOnboarding = true;
    337               };
    338             };
    339             extraPrefs = ''
    340             // Show more ssl cert infos
    341             lockPref("security.identityblock.show_extended_validation", true);
    342             // Enable userchrome css
    343             lockPref("toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets", true);
    344             // Enable light dev tools
    345             lockPref("devtools.theme","light");
    346             // Misc other settings
    347             lockPref("extensions.autoDisableScopes", 0);
    348             lockPref("browser.uidensity", 1);
    349             lockPref("", true);
    350             lockPref("extensions.update.enabled", false);
    351             lockPref("identity.fxaccounts.enabled", false);
    352             lockPref("signon.rememberSignons", false);
    353             lockPref("signon.rememberSignons.visibilityToggle", false);
    354             lockPref("media.eme.enabled", true);
    355             lockPref("browser.eme.ui.enabled", true);
    356             lockPref("xpinstall.signatures.required",false);
    357             lockPref("", false );
    358           '';
    359           };
    360         in
    361           with pkgs; [
    362             bun
    363             # compcert
    364             curl
    365             # deno
    366             discord
    367             gitFull
    368             graalvm-ce
    369             libreoffice
    370             # krdc
    371             mpv
    372             # nur.repos.crazazy.seamonkey
    373             myFirefox
    374             unzip zip
    375             vim
    376             # vieb
    377             (wine.override { wineBuild = "wineWow"; })
    378           ];
    379         # persistent directory for my browser details
    380         homeBinds = [
    381           # ".mozilla/firefox"
    382           ".config/discord"
    383           ".wine"
    384         ];
    385       }
    386     #+end_src
    387 *** Researchware
    388     I am doing a research project and I need certain software to make that happen
    389     #+begin_src nix :noweb-ref no
    390       {
    391         virtualisation.vswitch.enable = true;
    392         environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
    393           mininet
    394           # not universal for all pythons but it works for now
    395           (python3.withPackages (p: [(p.mininet-python.overrideAttrs (_: {
    396             postInstall = "cp $py/bin/mn $py/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mininet/";
    397           }))]))
    398           opam
    399           bindfs
    400         ];
    401       }
    402     #+end_src
    403 *** Steam
    404     I like to play videogames sometimes, however steam also requires a little more special attention
    405     #+begin_src nix
    406       {
    407         imports = [
    408           # nurModules.repos.crazazy.modules.private.steam-config
    409         ];
    410         programs.steam.enable = true;
    411         homeBinds = [
    412           ".local/share/Steam"
    413         ];
    414         environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
    415           steam
    416         ];
    417       }
    418     #+end_src
    419 *** Emacs
    420     Emacs needs to be integrated into the rest of the system. We are going to do that via a emacs daemon
    421     #+begin_src nix
    422       {
    423         services.emacs = {
    424           # package = import ./emacs.nix;
    425           package = pkgs.emacs29-pgtk;
    426           defaultEditor = true;
    427           enable = true;
    428         };
    429         homeBinds = [
    430           ".config/emacs"
    431         ];
    432       }
    433     #+end_src
    434 *** QEMU & frens
    435     I also sometimes run qemu vms. The qemu's manager will be libvirtd, but not sure if I will even use that
    436     #+begin_src nix
    437       {
    438         virtualisation.libvirtd.enable = true;
    439       }
    440     #+end_src